“I couldn’t let out even a small cough, in fear of people’s suspicions” says Ma Si Hlaing of Hinthada”
Myanmar’s migrant workers return home from quarantine, how do they fit in?

With the coronavirus pandemic raging head-on throughout the globe, Myanmar hangs on the brink to prevent an outbreak of community infections. Even with the utmost efforts of the government, we have yet to recover. The decline of the world’s economy has led to businesses shutting down and migrant workers going straight out of work. Neighboring nations closed their borders with Thailand declaring an Emergency Decree in late March to keep COVID in control leaving many workers stranded with no pay and many others . . . .
Beyond the farm, Tun Yat engages with various organizations to take part in research and community development opportunities. Our analysts, under the guidance of development partners, have produced substantial research covering the fields of food and agricultural systems in Myanmar.

During 2020-2021 Tun Yat, facilitated by ICCO-Cordaid and MOSS Consultants and Capital, conducted analysis and published studies of the Ayeyarwady Delta Region’s Rice, Pulses and Fisheries Systems. We uncovered the constraints of each system, their relation to one another and how various stakeholders are involved.
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Kumu Presentation

Forming a Women's Enterprise with Tun Yat in the Economy of Covid-19